Malang - A total of 145 students from various study programs within the Faculty of Agriculture-Livestock, University of Muhammadiyah Malang participated in a series of judicium held on Saturday, (11/12) in the Golden Sky Rayz Hotel UMM ballroom.
The judicium activity was attended by the Dean and Head and Secretary of the Study Program at the Faculty of Agriculture-Livestock. The Agribusiness Study Program in this graduation period graduated 19 graduates. The graduation ceremony was opened by the Dean of FPP, Aris Winaya.
In his remarks, the Dean of the Faculty of Agriculture-Livestock congratulated the participants of the Fourth Period Yudisium who had completed their learning at FPP UMM well, never giving up and full of enthusiasm.
In addition, the Dean also advised all judiciary participants to be able to utilize the knowledge learned during lectures and be able to apply it in a real and useful way for the community which will show UMM alumni more than others after graduation to maintain the good name of the great white campus. He advised “you are not inferior to other alumni, so my hope is that after graduation you will not be inferior, but show that UMM alumni are more than others” said Aris Winaya.
In closing his remarks, thanks were conveyed by the Dean to the Judiciary participants. “On behalf of the Faculty, we thank you for the trust that has been given to us, we used to meet 4-5 years ago, your parents brought you here as new students, so when you graduate, God willing, your parents will return here to release you after graduating from UMM,” said Aris Winaya.
On the same occasion, the Head of the Agribusiness Study Program was present at the event, “UMM Agribusiness graduates, God willing, are ready to enter the business world, furthermore the Agribusiness Study Program has implemented the UMM Pasti program, Pasti Lulus, Pasti Mandiri and Pasti Kerja” said Ary Bakhtiar. (OO)