UMM Agribusiness Study Program Presents Presenters from Armenia at a Guest Lecture entitled Community Empowerment

Friday, December 20, 2019 16:47 WIB   Agribisnis

Malang - Right on Friday, December 20, 2019 the Agribusiness Study Program held a guest lecture which took place in the GKB IV Hall, 4th floor. The guest lecture entitled community empowerment was attended by Dr. Ir. Istis Baroh, MP as the Head of the Agribusiness Study Program, Prof. Dr. Ir. Jabal Tarik Ibrahim, M. Si as the Lecturer of the Community Empowerment Course and other Agribusiness Study Program lecturers. This guest lecture was also attended by at least 150 agribusiness students class of 2018. This guest lecture is one of the annual work programs of the UMM Agribusiness Study Program, which is held as an effort to add insight into knowledge and motivation to students.

This time the guest lecture was themed “Community Development: Comparison Between Armenia and Indonesia” which presented Sona Minasyan, M. A. as the speaker. Sona Minasyan or more familiarly called Sona is a foreign lecturer at the UMM Social Welfare Study Program who comes from Armenia. In the presentation of the guest lecture material, Sona explained that one example of a community empowerment program in Indonesia is the Waste Insurance Clinic founded by Dr. Gamal Albinsaid in Malang. Furthermore, Sona explained that community empowerment programs in Armenia are divided into tourism-based Community Empowerment Programs and handicraft-based community empowerment.

The enthusiasm and participation of the 2018 class students was very large, this was clearly illustrated through the interaction of questions and answers between students and presenters during the activity. Hopefully this guest lecture can provide useful knowledge for agribusiness students ... Check out the full news in the Mata Hati Tabloid.
