Malang (24/12), In order to realize the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology. The Faculty of Agriculture - Animal Science UMM held an MBKM Research Results Seminar which was held at Club Bunga Butik Resort Batu, Malang.
The MBKM Results Seminar, which was attended by the Dean and Head of Study Program and Secretary of Study Program at FPP, focused on discussing the impact of collaboration with the World of Business and the World of Industry (DUDI) on curriculum quality and graduate competence.
M. Zul Mazwan, Secretary of Agrribusiness Study Program in the seminar explained that with this research, suggestions and improvements can be obtained for the Study Program to develop future strategies in the implementation of MBKM.
In the MBKM Research Results Seminar, there were eight forms of learning activities presented. It aims to increase the amount of research that is beneficial to MBKM policy and educational transformation as well as to obtain policy recommendations from the study program level to the national level in the implementation of MBKM research in Private Universities and accelerate the application and utilization of research results.
The results of this activity are expected to have a significant improvement impact on the quality of the curriculum and the quality of graduates who have been given the opportunity to expand their experience, especially in the experience of students in the World of Business and the World of Industry and collaborative-participatory classes. Cooperation with (DUDI) will certainly also have an impact on improving holistic competence. (OO)