opening of the MBKM curriculum workshop by Mr. Widya Winarso
Gresik (10/12) The Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka (MBKM) program organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology, is a program that is held with the hope of opening adaptive, flexible and sturdy learning in the rapid development of the times. This program provides opportunities for students to have an exchange learning experience with the same study program with different universities for 1 semester.
In line with the MBKM program, the Agribusiness Study Program at Muhammadiyah University of Malang plays an active role in the implementation process and prepares Agribusiness students to participate in the implementation of the program in accordance with the vision and mission of the MBKM program. In order to realize the MBKM program, the Agribusiness Study Program participated in the MBKM curriculum workshop activities which were carried out in collaboration with LLDIKTI VII and Muhammadiyah Gresik University. The activity took place face-to-face at the Sang Pencerah UMG building by implementing the Covid-19 pandemic health protocol.
Widyo Winarso, Secretary of LLDIKTI (Higher Education Service Institution) Region VII in his remarks stated that the series II workshop activities were attended by several study program managers and universities in the LLDIKTI VII region. He also conveyed his goal that the implementation of the MBKM curriculum could be in accordance with the implementation in the field.
Prof. Tatik Suryani from STIE Perbanas Surabaya in her presentation said that this activity focused on study program governance and university leaders in order to implement curriculum quality assurance based on learning outcomes that support MBKM (Merdeka Belajar Kampus Merdeka), furthermore as the second speaker Prof. Kuncoro Foe from Widya Mandala Catholic University said that the OBE (Outcome-based Education) based curriculum is one of the important components in the development of higher education today, the answer to all the needs of the current world of work and opens wider opportunities for collaboration with higher education partners.
Regarding the MBKM curriculum workshop which was held in collaboration with LLDIKTI VII and Muhammadiyah Gresik University, the Head of the UMM Agribusiness Study Program Ary Bakhtiar was present in person.
“It is our honor to be able to participate in this workshop, it is very good for curriculum development, in the future it is hoped that the OBE-based MBKM curriculum can be immediately applied to the UMM Agribusiness Study Program”. Said Kaprodi. (OO/AB)