
Based on the document of survey results evaluating quality assurance instruments in the Agribusiness Study Program at UMM, the following are the various surveys that have been conducted:

1. Survey on understanding of the institution's vision, mission, objectives, and strategies

2. Survey on satisfaction with institutional management

3. Survey on satisfaction with the implementation of partnerships

4. Survey on satisfaction with student services, including:
   - Counseling and guidance services
   - Interest and talent development services
   - Soft skill development services
   - Scholarship assistance services
   - Health services
   - Career counseling and job information services

5. Survey on satisfaction with human resource management

6. Survey on satisfaction with the performance of educational staff

7. Survey on satisfaction with lecturer performance

8. Survey on satisfaction with the performance of institutional managers

9. Survey on satisfaction with educational facilities and infrastructure

10. Survey on satisfaction with lecturer services in various roles (internship advisor, academic advisor, final project advisor, and counselor)

11. Survey on satisfaction with research implementation

12. Survey on satisfaction with community service implementation

13. Survey on satisfaction with graduate performance

14. Survey on satisfaction with graduate tracking services

15. Survey on satisfaction with the application of Al-Islam and Kemuhammadiyahan values

All these surveys were conducted between 2021 and 2023 and cover various aspects of academic and non-academic services at the institution.