Internal Quality Audit

Internal Quality Audit (AMI) is a systematic evaluation process carried out by an institution to ensure that all of its operational activities, including learning, research, and community service processes, have been running in accordance with established quality standards. The main objective of AMI is to identify areas that require improvement to support continuous quality improvement.

The implementation of AMI in Indonesia has a strong legal basis, especially in the context of higher education. Some of the legal foundations that regulate the implementation of AMI include:

UU No. 12/2012 on Higher Education: Article 52 paragraph (1) states that every university is obliged to carry out quality assurance internally and externally to ensure the quality of higher education on an ongoing basis.

Government Regulation Number 57 of 2021 concerning National Education Standards: Universities are required to comply with the National Higher Education Standards (SN-Dikti) which include standards for education, research, and community service as a reference in implementing AMI.

Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education No 62/2016 on the Higher Education Quality Assurance System (SPM-Dikti): Article 8 states that each university is obliged to carry out an internal quality audit to evaluate and improve the quality of higher education in accordance with SN-Dikti.

Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture (Permendikbud) Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Higher Education Standards: This standard serves as a guideline to ensure the quality of learning processes and outcomes in higher education, which must be monitored through internal quality audits.

The legal basis provides a regulatory framework for universities to carry out AMI in a systematic and sustainable manner, to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of education.


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