Collaborative Research Supports MBKM Program of UMM Agribusiness Study Program

Monday, December 27, 2021 10:16 WIB   Agribisnis

 Representatives from Bachelor of Agribusiness on MBKM results seminar

Malang (24/12), responding to the Merdeka Learning Campus Merdeka Program (MBKM) organized by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology which includes eight activities, namely learning exchanges, internships, teaching assistance, research, humanitarian projects, entrepreneurial activities, independent studies or projects and building villages or real work khalifah. The Faculty of Agriculture-Livestock UMM conducted a research with a focus on knowing the impact of cooperation with the World of Business and the World of Industry (DUDI) on the quality of the curriculum and the competence of graduates.

This collaboration-based research, which was carried out at the end of 2021, directly involved several students to play a role in the research process. This will certainly increase students' experience and insight in the research process. Four students of the Agribusiness Study Program took part in this research, namely Siti Romlah, Abdul Karim, Mustofa Lutfi Al Madani and Laily Rahma Andini.

In the research process, students listed in team II researchers chaired by Ir. Henik Sukorini, M.P., Ph.D. IPM, served as enumerators for distributing three questionnaires, namely the first curriculum questionnaire to students, curriculum to lecturers and graduate competencies with respondents from active FPP students and lecturers to students who have and are still implementing the independent campus program. the distribution of questionnaires was carried out three days from Wednesday 15 December to 17 December with a population of 4000 students.

Laily Rahma Andini, one of the Agribusiness students who took part in this research, revealed that not having active contacts of students from 2015-2017 was an obstacle in the process of distributing questionnaires “If the obstacle is rich in active students from 2015-2017 because we do not have a number that can be contacted,” said Laily.

In the implementation process, Siti, one of the enumerators, also felt that this research would be very helpful in improving the quality of learning in the faculty. “In my opinion, the reason for this research is to provide challenges and opportunities to develop innovation, creativity, capacity, personality, work demands, so that students' hard and soft skills are formed strongly,” concluded Siti. (OO)
