Malang (24/02). The UMM Agribusiness Study Program held a Strategic Plan (Renstra) and Operational Plan (Renop) held for 1 day at Rays UMM Hotel. The workshop was held in a blended manner, namely online and offline, attended by quality control team members from all Agribusiness Study Program Lecturers, totaling 12 participants.
The Strategic Plan (Renstra) and Operational Plan (Renop) is one of the important things in carrying out the activities of the Study Program. There is a new paradigm shift spurred by the Industrial Revolution 4.0 as well as the times and the implementation of Study Programs that compete to achieve optimal quality.
Ary Bakhtiar, Head of Agribusiness Study Program, in the opening, explained that the Renstra and Renop Workshop was one of the efforts in anticipating these changes and challenges, the preparation of the Renstra was the first step that had to be taken, then all programs and activities would be outlined in the Renop of the Agribusiness Study Program.
“Each study program must have a Strategic Plan and Renop as a reference, to answer changes and challenges in the future the Study Program must have an advantage, where we must create our characteristics, by developing existing resources.”
There are 10 areas that will be discussed in this workshop starting from Vision, Mission, Goals, and Strategies. Field of Governance, Governance, and Cooperation, Field of Student Affairs, Field of Human Resources, Field of Finance, Facilities and Infrastructure, Field of Education, Field of Research, Field of Service, Field of Tridharma Outputs and Achievements, Field of Jati Diri and AIK.
The event was closed by the Head of Agribusiness Study Program. as well as the delivery of opinions from all participants for the results of the workshop. (OO)