Improving Performance and Preparing Scheme of 2022, FPP UMM Holds Coordination Meeting

Friday, January 07, 2022 02:41 WIB   Agribisnis

Malang (30/12), the Coordination Meeting (Rakor) of the Faculty of Animal Husbandry and Agriculture (FPP) is an annual agenda that is carried out to maintain performance and discuss work programs that will be implemented in the future. The FPP Coordination Meeting in 2022 was held at the Golden Sky Rayz Hotel UMM Ballroom by implementing strict Covid-19 health protocols.

This coordination meeting was led by the Dean's staff and attended by study program structures, laboratory heads, and unit heads in the FPP environment. The results of this activity are expected to be able to maintain performance in order to produce quality achievements, provide the best education, and create competent and qualified graduates from FPP.

The coordination meeting which lasted for one day also discussed preparations for running the planned programs, both short-term, medium-term and long-term programs. The planned program certainly aims to improve the work of each study program and has a positive impact on increasing student competence to support the UMM Pasti program.

Through this activity, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM, M.Si., IPU. as the Dean of FPP for the 2021-2025 period invited all academicians at FPP UMM to continue to improve organizational performance by building mutual cooperation, cohesiveness, collaboration and synergy in terms of carrying out the duties and functions of each study program to uphold the vision and mission of the Faculty of Agriculture-Livestock. (OO)
