Friday (01/04) - The Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang held a Workshop on Preparation for FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation) International Accreditation. This activity was held to improve the quality of educational management as well as to strengthen UMM, especially FPP at the international level. The activity took place offline in the FPP UMM Conference Room by complying with the existing prokes. One of the study programs within the Faculty of Animal Science UMM that participated in this activity was the Bachelor of Agribusiness.
In the remarks of the Dean of FPP given at the event, Dr. Ir. Aris Winaya, MM., M.Si., IPU. explained that in 2023 it is hoped that 5 study programs (Agrotechnology, Aquaculture, Forestry, Food Technology, and Animal Husbandry) will successfully complete the ASIIN international accreditation process and for 1 study program, namely Agribusiness, to successfully complete the process of submitting FIBAA international accreditation. Furthermore, regarding the FIBAA accreditation preparation process, Helmy Yusuf, S. Si., M. Sc., Ph. D as the resource person at the event stated that “the existence of FIBAA international accreditation is expected that the quality and quality of education will be more developed and better,” he concluded.