Malang (25/02). The workshop was attended by all 12 Agribusiness Study Program lecturers plus non-educators. The workshop took place in the Rays Hotel meeting room blended using the Zoom application. Ary Bakhtiar SP., M.Si. as Head of Agribusiness Study Program gave a speech as well as opening the event accompanied by M. Zul Mazwan SP., M.Sc. Secretary of Agribusiness Study Program.
The background of the RPP & RPS Workshop is as a follow-up to the reconstruction of the OBE-based curriculum (Outcome Based Education) which is a national commitment so that the education system in Indonesia is more advanced and directed. So that the RPP & RPS Workshop has the aim of compiling RPS courses in the next semester in the Agribusiness Program environment, reflecting on the standards and standard formats set by DIKTI. The RPS design process gets input from several parties, namely Internal Stake Holders (Lecturers, LIP, Tendik, and Students) and External Stake Holders (PTM Agribusiness Study Program Association, DUDI and Alumni).
The hope is that this workshop can provide the preparation of OBE-based lesson plans and RPS, as well as curriculum development that meets the competency needs of students in facing the times ahead.
The workshop ended at 15.00 WIB with the results of the RPS in accordance with the format and syllabus for next semester. The event was closed by Ary Bakhtiar SP, M.Si with the hope that the lecturers of the course will follow up and evaluate the implementation of lesson plans and RPS in each class. The evaluation is expected to be a guideline for designing RPP and RPS in the next semester. (OO)
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