Quality Control Workshop as a Step to Improve the Quality of Graduates of UMM Agribusiness Study Program

Wednesday, March 02, 2022 01:28 WIB   Agribisnis

Malang (25/02) Workshop (Evaluation and Assurance of Conformity of UTS and UAS Questions with ELO) which was held for 1 day at Rays UMM Hotel, the workshop was held blended, namely online and offline, attended by members of the quality control team from all lecturers of the Agribusiness Study Program, totaling 12 participants. And as the main resource person in the workshop was the Head of Operations of PT. TANGGUH FIAD PERKASA Mr. Afandi Suprayitno.

Dr. Ary Bakhtiar, as the Head of Agribusiness Study Program opened the event as well as gave a speech and explained that lectures in the Agribusiness Study Program use a blended lerning system with adequate facilities in the classroom and still carry out prokes.

“Later we will hold funding to add facilities in the classroom so that students and lecturers run lectures comfortably so that the courses that are followed can be delivered well, learning is comfortable and calm, later we will choose the most comfortable room and we add supporting tools such as cameras, etc.” explained the Head of Agribusiness Study Program. “ explained the Head of Agribusiness Study Program.

In the Quality Control Workshop Workshop (Evaluation and Assurance of the Suitability of UTS and UAS Questions with ELO). The focus of the activity is to discuss suggestions and input from Internal Stake Holders (Lecturers, LIP, Tendik, and Students) and External Stake Holders (PTM Agribusiness Study Program Association, Dudi, and Alumni). As a follow-up to the commitment of the Agribusiness Study Program to make superior quality students and a more advanced Indonesian education system. Students also took part in this activity. Orca, a 2018 Agribusiness student gave an opinion “as students, we are greatly helped by workshop events that can grow our insight and motivation, we as students with our theories are still lacking in application and hope for the future, from lecturers and other educators to guide us in applying material in lectures”.

The Quality Control Workshop event was completed at 15.00 with results in accordance with the objectives of the Agribusiness Study Program. The event was closed by Ary Bakhtiar, S.P., M.Si. as well as the delivery to follow up and evaluate today's activities in the upcoming semester lecture activities. (DA/OO)
